So much for just continuing this 750 words journey! The second day after I started this challenge, I had to go for a full-day training and by the time I was back, I was already exhausted.
The day after? Well, there was work to catch up on, me being tired as usual, and lots more work. Did I also mention work?
Yes. So anyhows that's how I ended up missing a few days of writing here. I really should try to write more! I did sign up for the October challenge after all.
Anyhow, I haven't been well for the past three days or so. On Saturday, I started feeling a little bloated. It was about time for my PMS symptoms to start showing, so I wasn't too concerned. It was more uncomfortable than usual, and I thought that I had air in my stomach and that was it.
But the next day the pain continued, and it was getting kind of excruciating. I even went out to get some of those medicine for getting rid of air in the stomach. That didn't work. I was very gassy, but nothing helped. Not the burps, not the hot water packets, not the many farts I let out like the beautiful lady that I am.
I went to the clinic.
The doctor asked many questions. Did I eat on time? Did I have any abnormalities in my pooping or urinating habits? Have I been drinking enough water? Where does it hurt?
Initially, he thought that I might have some UTI thing going on because, well, I pointed to my bladder area being painful. But then I corrected myself. It was around the navel area, and kind of the area below my ribs.
Then the doctor told me that it was gastritis. I wasn't sure why though, I told him, because I ate on time and I didn't eat anything particularly acidic (except for the coffee every now and then, but even coffee also hasn't been strong that week!).
He then asked me if I was stressed.
I thought about the pending work from my freelance clients that are all due within the same week. I thought about the meeting in my full-time job and all the things that I need to do. Oh yes, I definitely remember feeling stressed that week. I was very stressed and demotivated, but I managed so far, didn't I?
Well, I told the doctor that yes, I felt stressed that week. There was a lot going on.
He then kind of had an eureka moment, and told me that it was stress-induced. He explained to me how stress can cause your stomach to release more acid than usual, and that may lead to gastritis. And so, there I was.
Painful stomach, super gassy, and I couldn't really sleep well because every turn would make my stomach feel painful again. It was just so painful, and I told my boyfriend that the pain was probably about 5x more than my usual menstrual pain. It isn't a lot, but there were times throughout the night that I just curl up in a fetal position and try to steady my breathing because it was hurting so bad.
By dinner time, I had to eat the painkillers. I tried to stay off it, but it was too painful not to do so.
The painkillers didn't help, and I woke up in the middle of the night in pain again. It didn't feel like peaceful sleep at all.
So this morning, I went to the doctor again. Today, it's a different doctor sitting at the clinic.
"Is it normal to be feeling so much pain? The painkillers didn't work."
The new doctor asked me about the painkillers that I received. What color was it? What shape was it? I told her that it was the white one, round shape. And she told me that it was basically Panadols, and that wouldn't really help with the gastric pain.
She prescribed me with a stronger painkiller and I was more than happy to ingest that one once I had my lunch. I also asked her to issue me an MC because I already informed my colleagues yesterday that I'll be on leave due to the pain I was experiencing.
So I had my new meds, and I got to rest.
After having lunch, I took all the medicine I had to take, took some painkillers, and took a long nap. I ended up feeling a little woozy and nauseous after a while, but I think I'm okay now. There isn't so much pain anymore, and I can actually get some work done again.
Sooooo.... Well I guess now I need to watch out for my stress management!
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